Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What countries have had the deadliest genocides?

China is at the top of the list with 30,000,000 people.

Russia comes in second with 20,000,000 people.

And Germany is third with 11,000,000.


  1. Nick,
    Were you surprised that China came in as the country with the highest death rate? In Russia, who was the leader during the genocide?

    Ms. C

  2. I was surprised since the country that most people talk about is Germany. I was probably more surprised about Russia because I have heard about the murders in China but not in Russia. Stalin and Moltov were the main leaders

  3. I was suprised when I look at the number for China because I had a much higher number that where kill in china genocide. The number I got was 49-78,000,000 killed during the genoicde in china. If you want to take a look at the website I got my numbers from here is the link http://www.scaruffi.com/politics/dictat.html

  4. That's interesting. Maybe they counted a wider demographic than where I found my number.
